Try to have some say in a blog arranged as a trawl by the ANU – then everything is fine until you speak forthrightly.
If you speak forthrightly, the grand panjandrum shitcans you.
That doesn’t mean you can’t borrow something off his pages if you agree with his sentiment.
So here it is -
All a fair old Rah-Rah thread until the essence down at the last few lines where whoever wrote the doggerel concedes that union bullshit, faux socialist blether and capitalist threat is an incestuous construct - all of which is built from a pre-manufactured kit of parts supplied by those faceless arseholes out there – those nameless and faceless arseholes that no-one can ever get to reach.
Passant pretends it is about the eternal war between the peasantry and vile capitalism.
I disagree.
There is another tier these days interspersing themselves – or interlocuting themselves between capitalist pig-dog and peasant worker.
It is the drug trade and whatever else (to make a buck) is connected with that.
It is part of one and part of the other – latching onto and making dependent, the worker and temporarily providing extra profits to the boss.
It is hateful and heinous and soon will inevitably destroy both.
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