Tuesday, April 5, 2011

“AS WE SAID – IT JUST KEEPS HAPPENING” – or “Delia Dooley’s grandfather writes to me”

IMAGE – Popular uprisings. When ideals get in the way of some important person’s bankroll anything can happen. It happened to these poor ignorant bastards over a hundred years ago. Look into their eyes and what do you see?
Idealism? Good intentions? Happiness? Or the grim, bloody-minded, intent of those who know themselves to be dead men walking?

Author - Calligula

What is the present state of the Nation?
http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/04/05/3182436.htm - this one says we have 8 million odd thickies on the books.
http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/11/11/3064081.htm - this one says that Peter Garrett will reach deep into his own pocket and give each thickie a whole three dollars for remedial learning.
Definition, thickie –
A government term for someone who cannot read or write. Garrett, ith his musical background was going to call them trumbies  (see - http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/11/11/3064081.htm  ) but some Wong said that wasn’t white and therefore would be racist.

Could that ever lead to bother?
Some Australians who can still read (roughly three prerequisites, skill, inclination, time, to do so) believe it could.

It was distressing to hear a literacy/numeracy disadvantaged bloke decry his lack of opportunity, declaim that he’d, nonetheless, never been out of work, while insisting that lots of blokes would do perfectly well in the ‘trades’ without reading/figuring skills.

Delroy, as usual, steered that and further discussion away from any meaningful level while overtly agreeing with the poor sod.

Which just goes to prove that, INDEED, a person can DEMONSTRABLY be a tremendous thickie while earning good money in a relatively socially critical occupation.
 (Oh, I have a bit of concern about the ABC and their collective literacy standards. For example, the news girl has to read a script supplied, one assumes, by a qualified/accredited journalist.  Reporting that Libyans being fired on with live ammunition, then shot at with bullets and killed by gunfire is a sort-of technically accurate but rather long-winded overkill. Not only does it demand editing but leaves an impression that the journo isn’t quite up to the job in so many ways.)

As to the assertion that ‘trades’ are the highest level to which a thickie could aspire – such does not explain the number of ‘em dotted throughout society.
Could nepotism be the cause?
Are those of the ‘professional’ class allotted scribes if they belong to the right secret society?
These days trades and professions in certain critical disciplines and industries have become somewhat melded.
‘Australia’ has typically ignored or derided the European, merit based, approach to industry accreditation and skills classification - which tends to reinforce the cynical view that our decisionmakers are outstandingly stupid, clannish, discriminatory dolts hellbent on systematically destroying decent education – firstly by diluting its quality from pre-school onwards – then by denying the client of this excessively costly and defective process the very merits of bothering to stick it through.

It seems that education itself is no longer a pathway to status in Australia.
Being born into a well paced family works.
Having the right parent in the right business who can provide their child a job is a guarantee to a career
Any form of nepotism will do, the lodge, a union, some church or other, someone in government or a ‘good government job’ – blackmail.

If there is one damned good reason to create a republic it is to rid ourselves of this darkest perfidious aspect of the old empire.

Until we do every one of you who has succeeded here has had to swim against the unseen current of this inequity.

Ms Gillard, as does Ms Bligh, tells us to ‘keep looking forward’ never ‘look back’.
I say bullshit to that.
Age may not always offer wisdom but most certainly does provide experience.
History, and the ability to read it, offers wisdom and experience – else the human race would never have needed to learn to read, write, and figure sums.

What could happen when a population suffers the adversity of ignorance and exploitation to a cause they cannot understand?
It happened to a mob of people in South Africa just over a century ago.
They copped curry simply for being brave, situationally unaware, and mainly because they were there to be exploited.
They were conned into engaging in a war of attrition with Queen Victoria’s army.
Vicky, having led a good protected life was canny enough to fall off her perch a few months before her star-general anticipated Hitler’s Germany by setting up concentration camps.
Genocide by default is still genocide and Kitchener oversaw that genocide by pulling exactly the same cheap stunt our politicians pull constantly.

‘Plausible deniability’ -
He refused to visit the camps and unusually for such a control freak micro-manager – delegated the paperwork to his subordinates.

Enough of that
You met Delia Dooley, future premier of NSW.

Here’s a letter from her grandfather and my reply to him below –

“Calligula old chap, Herr Dooley here. Look, all I try to point out in my comments to this and other blogs is the elephant in the room – you are doing all this blogging in the comfort of a liberal democracy. Here’s where I struggle with your (professed) ideology.
If you do succeed in fomenting revolution against the evil forces of capital what will replace the system of participatory democracy that underpins the liberal democratic model you appear to despise?
If it is substantially the same system of democratic society then how do you ensure the same evil forces of capital do not simply assume control of the Parliament democratically and return society to a capitalist model?
If it is not the same system of democratic society how do you ensure we do not become enslaved by a totalitarian model?
Answer these questions and you might be viewed as more than a middle class navel gazing society.”

G’day Graham,
That elephant in the room told me the other day that he’s become typecast and jaded.
He wants location work and some fresh air.
He’s been talkin’ with that Rush fella about a role in a remake of “Passage To India”.
He does enjoy rolling about with a good, sweaty, memsahib or three.

But what professed ideology of mine are you talking about?
The only ideology I have is that the peasants always get the chop.
My life EXPERIENCE has ably demonstrated why that is, a fact supported by lots of boring reading.
At our humble workplace we simply hate exploiters.

Some exploit for ideological reasons – some just to make an extra dollar – some because they enjooooy doing it.

Very few set out to exploit others for the good of the exploited.
Such is, shall we say, counterintuitive – a bit of a no-brainer.
The way I see it aligns with what the ABC told me recently – that near half our population is functionally illiterate.

I read the cause and effect of that to mean the fact of that was planned and the result intended.
The really interesting bit was the talking heads telling me that despite the appallingly bad literacy/numeracy standards – these millions were mostly quite intelligent people.

What happens to intelligent people in a literacy/numeracy based society if they are denied outlets for their intelligence?
Well Bucko – they become adept at operating in ways alien to the mainstream.

They become somewhat FERAL.
Since Homo-Sapiens is the most dangerous predator this planet has evolved and since an intelligent, feral human might be exponentially more dangerous than the average couch-potato – then several millions of ‘em are likely gearing up for their chance.

I don’t know where you rest your tired little head every night and what security you have in place or how rapidly your local walloper reacts when something is clawing at your door – but not too far away from us is a tiny part of a strip all along the East Coast Hinterland.
It is something like a dispersed mega-city yet it lacks almost every sort of urban amenity or facility.

There are all sorts living there – salt of the earth most of  ‘em, I’m sure.
But some of them are right mean bastards and where they live are no-go-zones for any sort of authority.
Funny thing about it is how difficult it is for the wallopers to keep track of them and their transactions.
For some reason they buy with cash and rarely write anything down
When justice need be applied they usually resort to what Breaker Morant called ‘Rule 303’
So Gra , old pin, if I’m gazing at any navel – or pit of any sort it is one that definitely does exist.
I’m not sure if you consider yourself a capitalist at all. Perhaps you simply enjoy a good stir.
But I tend not to blame any political ideology – just the amoral suckholes who set themselves up for winners of the compulsorily enforced raffles they pretend are elections.
Australia has always had punitive governance systems roughly based on the Rum Corps.
The modern ‘beneficiaries’ of that corrupt system are no less cross grained and compromised as their forefathers - so it is no wonder that their efforts to dumb down anything that risks touching their cosy tontine is written by them out of existence.

Hence they write out education.
Hence they write out a reasoned ballot.
Hence they write IN populism and the fifteen second sound grab
Hence they debase their own standards (what they ever were) to the same level as the illiterate masses they pretend to manipulate.
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
By God it’ll be a bloody bunfight when the cack does hit the fan.

Recent historical precedent – South Africa, 1898 - 1903


  1. Cal, good of you to point out (for all your blog fans - must be legions) your inability to answer simple questions put to you by disinterested passers by. Keep up the personal growth mate! Graham

  2. How are you Graham, old chap?
    My reply between your italic lines.
    Good of you to write in.

    “Calligula old chap, Herr Dooley here. Look, all I try to point out in my comments to this and other blogs is the elephant in the room – you are doing all this blogging in the comfort of a liberal democracy.”

    It isn’t quite what I expected, this blogging and I can’t see your elephant in the room unless that was his footprints in the butter yesterday.
    Maybe he’s over at your place?
    Liberal democracies are fine if they work. Ours hasn’t been working because it lacks the core legislation and basic checks and balances of a true CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY.
    Perhaps you like the US model?
    I do, especially the second amendment.

    Here’s where I struggle with your (professed) ideology.
    If you do succeed in fomenting revolution against the evil forces of capital what will replace the system of participatory democracy that underpins the liberal democratic model you appear to despise?

    Here you are quite mistaken and mistake synopsis of emerging scenario with your own false perception of sentiment.
    I don’t despise functional democracy at all nor do I despise the dysfunctional quasi-westminster folly we’ve been enduring since 1788. It scares me shitless as does the irresponsible propping up of the turnout.
    Look at NSW. How long did it take to remove corruption. Look at Qld. ‘Can do’ resigns from politics then ups parliament.
    Progress, maybe, but not democracy according to strict form.

    If it is substantially the same system of democratic society then how do you ensure the same evil forces of capital do not simply assume control of the Parliament democratically and return society to a capitalist model?

    So what do you want?
    Did you do civics?
    Have you ever analysed your own thinking or just run along with the adversarial style we’ve been conditioned to accept?
    Some of my worst acquaintances are capitalists.
    I sacked them as friends because they kept drinking my booze and bumming my smokes.
    Don’t ever pretend they’re not like that.

    If it is not the same system of democratic society how do you ensure we do not become enslaved by a totalitarian model?
    Answer these questions and you might be viewed as more than a middle class navel gazing society.”

    A closed mind is always susceptible to being duped.
    There’s an old saying – “You never see the barbed wire until it’s too late.”

    Even the Boy Scout’s motto is “Be Prepared”.

    Trust this helps. Remember that you ain’t the only reader.

  3. Yeah, but as expected Gra's stuff didn't translate to italics.
    What the hell. He'll work it out.

  4. Cal, you're up late. Checking those site stats no doubt. How many hits per month do you get? Maybe you should try some banner ads! Anywho, still cannot glean anything close to a considered or logical response in your loooong attempt at irony. But hey, that's your prerogative. Keep trying mate, you'll get there.

  5. Good grief Graham Dooley.

    Mr. Passant was right about you here in his blog.
    To save you the bother – this is what he suggested you do -
    “WTF are you talking about you moron? Go back to your Adolf Hitler hole and slander and defame people there.”

    Now, I wonder why a normally polite bloke would say that?

    BUUUUt – to answer your demand without being too long-winded for you –
    • No I wasn’t up too late -
    • ‘cos it wasn’t beddy byes time yet ( When do they put you out for the night – or do you bark too much??)
    • Those publication times you rely on are out of step – and before you ask – I don’t care.
    • Yeah, I checked stats yesterday. Doesn’t everyone?
    • Hits per month? Alles ist in ordnung, Herr Fuhrer.
    • Ads? Nah. Next thing Mr. Murdoch would want his pikkie on the top spot.
    • You can’t glean? Poor you. But if you get someone to READ the above to you - you’ll see - http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/11/11/3064081.htm - that Baldy has pledged about three bucks a head for dills who can’t read.
    • Irony? Don’t you mean cynical disrespect for bastardry?
    • Logical response? To your twaddle? – HOW?
    • Prerogative? Thanks for your permission
    • Keep trying?
    • Get there?

    It may be difficult for some to comprehend - http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/evolved-primate/201006/when-ignorance-begets-confidence-the-classic-dunning-kruger-effect
    - when they’re being a pain in the arse.
    But you’re such a nice bloke I thought nursey could read out to you tonight.

    The last two dot points. Remember if you can that there are thousands more out there reading this.
    A fair few of ‘em can read well enough to understand concepts that you apparently cannot glean.
    That’s what you said, wasn’t it?
    There’d also be some just waiting for me to tell you what-for – in the sort of language their sort would really enjoy.

    Oh before I send this off before your bedtime can I use your comments in an article we’re working on?
    Could keep your name confidential to save you embarrassment.
    Title will be something like – “The Dunning Kruger effect and narcisso-sociopaths in Cyberspace”.
    If that is okay by you let me know. Just send us a message – ‘Attention Arthur’.

    Byee for now !!

  6. Sorry people,
    Might have read as a bit abrupt but these pages aren’t about giving Mr Dooley a free education.
    Nor are John Passant’s.
    Why mention that?

    Mr. Dooley claims he can’t glean any meaning here – and seems to have the same difficulty elsewhere.
    A bloke trolling through the net who does no more than bellyache that he can’t understand anything, everywhere - eventually must concede he’s disadvantaged in some way.

    Myself, I find the same tactics there as used by the worst sort of ‘manager’ to deride, belittle and negate the efforts of those unfortunate enough to be subordinate to that sort of crackpot.
    Must teach ‘em that sort of obfuscatory crap at management conferences or something.
    You know – by showing the goldbrick buggers how to cover up their own mistakes by blaming everyone else.

    We pride ourselves in informing people about the truth of Australian society.
    There is a lot to bellyache about – but that doesn’t mean it has to be presented on a boring humourless format.
    We don’t especially care if we don’t receive a lot of comments but those we do can only be accepted in the framework of the spirit in which they are sent.

    Cheers - ARTHUR

  7. Keep working at it Cal, you'll get there. Remember though, sometimes LESS is MORE. Eye of the Tiger etc. ;)) GD

  8. Hey
    Ace posting.
    Where do you dudes get your info from?
    I’m in Q too and have to say that things will get better.
    I mean – LOL – can’t get worse.
    Arthur – management conferebnces
    Reminds me of Repco
    Used to do good work,
    Then they put in dills for managers
    Your right – they blamed everyone else for their mistakes and now they import and retail Chinese crap.
    Is that dolley about so high black hair cleans shaved and wears crispy white poly shirts?
    Know the type – know where you coming from.
    CHEERS - Thepinkpanther ----------------
