A stop press situation -
The CH team were well on their way through researching an article about the ‘rule of law’ – or more precisely some examples on the face of the record proving that it doesn’t exist in God’s Own State when the email, below, arrived from a bloke who hadn’t been in contact with the NON Farmer since 2006.
It may be that those behind this message are probably overreacting since they are of a peer group that has caused ‘what passes for government’ a fair deal of nausea for about the last 35 years.
But here they are again, conscripts and volunteers alike, pretending they have some right to raise issue about the conduct of our highly trained, principled and oh so pro-active government employees.
Now what it is about these VietNam vets has us completely beat.
They’ve never worked out that their job finished in the earlier half of the 1970s when the last of them returned to Australia .
Once back here they were supposed to knuckle down and quietly take up some suitable work where their scars, both physical and mental, were out of sight and mind of the rest of we citizens.
Oh, Anzac Day’s fine – so the solid citizens reckon.
Once a year at the rissole or the Depot - getting pissed blind is perfectly okay.
After all, the dead Japs ‘n Gooks are easy to hose out afterwards.
Yet here they are once again making use of their information ‘grapevine’ to meddle with the affairs of governance as if, by fighting a war for the ‘masters’ of their day, they had some God given right to do so.
But we’re dickheads at Calligula’s Horse.
Not only do we reckon that they do have a God given right to whinge and bellyache about what they like but we SUPPORT that right, especially when it’s justified and in the public interest.
So here goes – and is followed by another incident of official insanity linked by url.
Please read both and if you have any care at all, please send along your experience in comment.
----- Original Message -----
From aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa orig supplied
From aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa orig supplied
To: bbbbbbbbbbbbbb orig supplied
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 12:33 AM
Subject: “Please join with me to lift the lid on idiots with uniforms”
Subject: “Please join with me to lift the lid on idiots with uniforms”
> [Snail Mail]
Orig name/contact supplied
> There has been some amazing great story's come out of the floods. But
> there are also the ones that will never be told because in this country we
> tolerate idiots in government jobs and no one wants to point the finger in
> case it somehow blows up in their face.
> Sorry, but at my age, I have become totally disenchanted and someone needs
> to tell it like it is, so I will start the ball rolling. Please join with
> me to lift the lid on idiots with uniforms.
> Take Qld transport. In Dalby district.
> Dalby hit the news with a record flood in theCondamine River that damaged
> the water treatment plant. And water needed to be trucked in in the
> middle of floods. Truck drivers worked hard to get us water.
> Officers from Qld Transport booked drivers for so called over
> loading.......... what Idiots. Who pays? It'll get squashed and
> probably has already, but what a waste of resources at a time when
> manpower was critical.
> Farmers crossing a road with a tractor to feed starving, flooded stock
> were pulled up, the tractor measured, and they were booked because it was
> slightly wide. Not only that, they were forced to leave the tractor and
> go to town to get an over wide permit before they could move it back into the farm. And this happened on an already closed road where the farmer was the only person around. Except for the idiots.
> These are not rumors. They are facts. This morning, I was booked for
> driving down a closed road to check livestock that were reported out on
> the> road and, at the same time, pick up my employee who had walked over the
> bridge to come to work. My house happens to be 50 m past the road closed
> sign, so apparently I cannot even go in and out my gate. I tried to
> reason amicably with 2 idiots. Of course I got more than a little agitated when
> they refused to let me down the road to my farm. As a result they pulled
> a tape recorder, so I made sure that it recorded their stupidity. I even had
> to insist that they returned my driver's license. I'll definitely win the
> court battle as my employee witnessed the whole affair. But what a waste
> of time and resources.
> Over the last 3 weeks, there have been Qld Transport officers stationed
> outside our farm booking innocent locals for about 8 days. 2 guys sit in
> a vehicle with the engine idling and hazard lights on 24/7. That would be 3
> shifts, plus motel and other costs. Now most of these guys were
> reasonable> people. I had to chat with them every time I went out my gate. Some were> idiots like my experience this morning. But the real idiots in this case
> are the people who sent them out here to guard an obviously flooded and
> closed road. And never bothered to check when the water went down, and
> left> them there. We, the taxpayers, pay them to be there and also pay fines
> for> trying to get on with our lives in tough times.
> Wrote the above in the hour before I went toBrisbane to help clean up the
> mess in our flooded premises there. While inBrisbane I was told a true
> story about the truck drivers delivering food to Gympie. As happens in
> times of desperate need, trucks rolled out of
> theBrisbane warehouses stacked with as much as they could get in. After
> all, the media was screaming for food for Gympie. Queensland Transport
> then> intercepted the trucks and fined the drivers for overloading.
> What Senior Idiot in Qld Transport decided that he could solve
>Queensland 's> financial crisis by fining drivers? And sent dozens of men out to
> embarrass> the Government when they could have been helping people in need.
> And did you hear about the farmer who was ferrying food and other
> essentials> for himself and neighbors across the flooded Condamine?
> Well, the SES and Police decided that was their job. Apparently it is
> illegal for us farmers to even launch our boats to help ourselves or
> rescue> our livestock. So they sent him home after warning him that if he
> continued> to help, they would prosecute.
> There has been some amazing great story's come out of the floods. But
> there are also the ones that will never be told because in this country we
> tolerate idiots in government jobs and no one wants to point the finger in
> case it somehow blows up in their face.
> Sorry, but at my age, I have become totally disenchanted and someone needs
> to tell it like it is, so I will start the ball rolling. Please join with
> me to lift the lid on idiots with uniforms.
> Take Qld transport. In Dalby district.
> Dalby hit the news with a record flood in the
> the water treatment plant. And water needed to be trucked in in the
> middle of floods. Truck drivers worked hard to get us water.
> Officers from Qld Transport booked drivers for so called over
> loading.......... what Idiots. Who pays? It'll get squashed and
> probably has already, but what a waste of resources at a time when
> manpower was critical.
> Farmers crossing a road with a tractor to feed starving, flooded stock
> were pulled up, the tractor measured, and they were booked because it was
> slightly wide. Not only that, they were forced to leave the tractor and
> go to town to get an over wide permit before they could move it back into the farm. And this happened on an already closed road where the farmer was the only person around. Except for the idiots.
> These are not rumors. They are facts. This morning, I was booked for
> driving down a closed road to check livestock that were reported out on
> the> road and, at the same time, pick up my employee who had walked over the
> bridge to come to work. My house happens to be 50 m past the road closed
> sign, so apparently I cannot even go in and out my gate. I tried to
> reason amicably with 2 idiots. Of course I got more than a little agitated when
> they refused to let me down the road to my farm. As a result they pulled
> a tape recorder, so I made sure that it recorded their stupidity. I even had
> to insist that they returned my driver's license. I'll definitely win the
> court battle as my employee witnessed the whole affair. But what a waste
> of time and resources.
> Over the last 3 weeks, there have been Qld Transport officers stationed
> outside our farm booking innocent locals for about 8 days. 2 guys sit in
> a vehicle with the engine idling and hazard lights on 24/7. That would be 3
> shifts, plus motel and other costs. Now most of these guys were
> reasonable> people. I had to chat with them every time I went out my gate. Some were> idiots like my experience this morning. But the real idiots in this case
> are the people who sent them out here to guard an obviously flooded and
> closed road. And never bothered to check when the water went down, and
> left> them there. We, the taxpayers, pay them to be there and also pay fines
> for> trying to get on with our lives in tough times.
> Wrote the above in the hour before I went to
> mess in our flooded premises there. While in
> story about the truck drivers delivering food to Gympie. As happens in
> times of desperate need, trucks rolled out of
> the
> all, the media was screaming for food for Gympie. Queensland Transport
> then> intercepted the trucks and fined the drivers for overloading.
> What Senior Idiot in Qld Transport decided that he could solve
> embarrass> the Government when they could have been helping people in need.
> And did you hear about the farmer who was ferrying food and other
> essentials> for himself and neighbors across the flooded Condamine?
> Well, the SES and Police decided that was their job. Apparently it is
> illegal for us farmers to even launch our boats to help ourselves or
> rescue> our livestock. So they sent him home after warning him that if he
> continued> to help, they would prosecute.
As he was> putting his boat back on his trailer on the other side of the river, he
> heard horns blowing and looked back to where he had been sent away from.
> There were the professional idiots, in the middle of the river, sinking.
> And, as we normal citizens are stupid, he had to re-launch his boat and go
> back and rescue them.
> Apparently they had forgotten to put the plugs in the bottom of the boat
> and> their training had not taught them how to simply put them in after they
> discovered it and then how to bail the boat out. He should have let them
> drown. That would be called "natural> selection". But again, they had been sent out with an attitude rather> than> real training. So who is at fault? Need I answer that?
> As I said at the start, there have been many, many great deeds by the vast
> majority of people, but when a society gets to the point that ordinary
> people are stopped from helping each other and are forced into submission
> by> bureaucrats, Where are we going?
> Please add your story's and keep this going. somehow, we have to reverse
> the
> stupidity that makes our nation the dumbest in the modern world.
> Our great grandfathers would be appalled.
> And if any of you have the personal emails of any Politician, or Media
> people, please make sure they get a copy.
> xxxxx yyyyyyy zzzzzzzzz orig name supplied
> heard horns blowing and looked back to where he had been sent away from.
> There were the professional idiots, in the middle of the river, sinking.
> And, as we normal citizens are stupid, he had to re-launch his boat and go
> back and rescue them.
> Apparently they had forgotten to put the plugs in the bottom of the boat
> and> their training had not taught them how to simply put them in after they
> discovered it and then how to bail the boat out. He should have let them
> drown. That would be called "natural> selection". But again, they had been sent out with an attitude rather> than> real training. So who is at fault? Need I answer that?
> As I said at the start, there have been many, many great deeds by the vast
> majority of people, but when a society gets to the point that ordinary
> people are stopped from helping each other and are forced into submission
> by> bureaucrats, Where are we going?
> Please add your story's and keep this going. somehow, we have to reverse
> the
> stupidity that makes our nation the dumbest in the modern world.
> Our great grandfathers would be appalled.
> And if any of you have the personal emails of any Politician, or Media
> people, please make sure they get a copy.
> xxxxx yyyyyyy zzzzzzzzz orig name supplied
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